Well...The Internet is one of the best inventions in the world, in my opinion. In different countries the usefulness of the internet is different. Today I just want to compare 2 big and powerful countries which are Russia and Canada in using the internet. When I was living in Russia I didn't use the internet a lot because in my school and university teachers didn't often ask students to do researches in the internet. Maybe that happened because the teachers didn't trust the internet resources in that time, I don't really know. The teachers usually asked the students to go to libraries and find books to do researches. Also, another reason why the internet in Russia isn't really popular is that Internet providers have difficulty to provide the internet in every apartment because usually people live in apartment buildings with about 9 floors (the capacity of those buildings is about 1000 apartments). Even nowadays most population in Russia has connection to the internet through their telephone cables which provide them a really poor connection (usually the speed is 31 kb/s). For example, if I wanted to download a song in Russia 2 years ago, it could take me couple hours....But nowadays in Russia the Internet is become popular, and the internet providers give the costumers opportunity to have the high internet speed. Ok... Let’s write a little bit about the internet situation in Canada. You can have a question, why do you want to write just a little bit about the internet in Canada? I can answer that question easily... When I came to Canada at the first time, I was amazed about the internet speed. I could download a song in 1 second. For me it was unbelievable. Moreover, I was shocked about the wireless connection to the internet because I didn't know that I can have connection to the internet without any cables. Right now, I cannot imagine the life in Canada without Internet because in the internet I can buy everything I want, check my marks and bank account, and so on...
The first picture you post here is very funny. I reminded me what I saw in some offices in Canada. I often see some office ladies type with on finger while working. Such kind person is impossible to find an office work in China.
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