Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Calgary Kart Racing Club

Today I want to write about what I was talking in my final presentation. Well... My presentation was abaut Calgary Kart Racing Club which is in Calgary Speed Park in SE Calgary. This club is a local organisation with 14 workers. All fundings usually came from the costumers. Also, all prices depend of costumers age and kind of racers’ karts. For example, when a person decided to join that club, he/she needs to pay for a kart, special clothes and so on (total cost for all equipment is $6,350. In addition, avarage ege of members is 13 years old. Next, all meetings and activities held in Calgary Speed Park, where people can gat all information about this club. Finally, here are a lot of volunteer opportunities for Canadians and international students during a competition period.
The official web site is