Today I want to write about one of the most interesting movie for me. It calls The Tom Crown Affair. This movie is about money, love, adventure, and relationship between people. There are two primary characters in this movie. One very smart and intelligent millionaire wanted to play an exciting game with the police because he tired about his every day’s things. Also, his business was art galleries, where he spent all his free time. Ok, lets return to exciting game. This game was stilling the most expensive masterpiece, which is cost 100000000 dollars, from competitor’s gallery. And he stole it easily because he had an excellent plan. Moreover, on the next day he donated a picture from his own gallery. After that the police started to make an investigation, but with no luck. Also, an insurance company, where the picture was ensured, sent the best worker to make their own investigation. This worker was a beautiful woman, who soon understood that Tom Crown stole that picture. In short, during that investigation they became in love. And finally Tom Crown just told her, “Tomorrow I will return the stolen picture and go out from this country for ten years, do you want to go with me?” After that she said, ”Sure”. On the next day he went to gallery, to which he donated a picture, and just turned on the fire alarm. The paint leak from this picture and it became into the masterpiece, which he stole few weeks ago.
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